def fetch_bigtable_rows(big_table, keys, other_silly_variable=None): """Fetches rows from a Bigtable.
Retrieves rows pertaining to the given keys from the Table instance represented by big_table. Silly things may happen if other_silly_variable is not None.
Args: big_table: An open Bigtable Table instance. keys: A sequence of strings representing the key of each table row to fetch. other_silly_variable: Another optional variable, that has a much longer name than the other args, and which does nothing.
Returns: A dict mapping keys to the corresponding table row data fetched. Each row is represented as a tuple of strings. For example:
Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017, 16:37:01) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import test 5 is maximum Prints the maximum of two numbers.
The two values must be integers. >>> print(test.printMax.__doc__) Prints the maximum of two numbers.
The two values must be integers. >>> help(test.printMax) Help on function printMax in module test: printMax(x, y) Prints the maximum of two numbers. The two values must be integers.